الوخز الجزء 2. الطعوم والتقنيات.

Image 1 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

Twitching requires practice, practice and practice. How to throw, at what angle to hold the spinning rod? How to make the lure dart around like a trolling fish? And after all, the animation of each model – its own nuances. Therefore, in the second part of the article we will talk about wobblers for twitching and directly the technique of wiring.


Image 1 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

Minnow, sheads and other wobblers. Exception – voluminous, pusatnye krenki, which on jerks will simply gather with the game. Nuance: the visual game of the bait and the way the fish perceives it – different things. Predators will “appreciate” not the beauty of glides, but the vibrations that arise.

إيفان: Wobbler is a creative lure. It and the angler must match temperament. In order to understand a wobbler, you need to make more than one throw and not even two or three. It is necessary not only to take into account the conditions (depth, current, vegetation, potential prey), but also to fill your hand. To “sink” in the lures to understand their features and possibilities of application. Lack of practice can spoil the impression of any wobbler.

What affects the game of the lure?

1. Depth and distance of throwing.

Image 2 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

إيفان: some lures behave completely differently at short and long distances. Realizing that at different distances you need different intensity of jerks is a new level of skill. This realization came to me while fishing on a lake with very clear water. I was able to get a good look at the behavior of the wobbler from a distance.

Why is there a difference in the behavior of the lure depending on the distance? Different line tension. Wind, current, depth – and the cord will never stretch to the wobbler in a straight line. It still forms some kind of arc. As a result, during the jerk, part of the impulse is spent to straighten the fishing line. And only part of the force is spent to “wind” the wobbler. All this gives the lure a different launch speed, which for some models is very important.

2. Degree of buoyancy.

Image 3 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

إيفان: this parameter is selected not only based on the conditions, but also the “mood” of the fish. Sometimes it needs a “suspender”, ie hanging wobbler. But it is worth considering that the ability of the wobbler to pop up or dive on a pause – it is a vertical component of the game. Fish may react differently to such nuances. You can not guess in advance. In addition, buoyancy helps to regulate the horizon of wiring, by increasing or decreasing the number and duration of pauses.

3. The applied fishing line.

إيفان: we have already said that rigid rods for twitch compensate for the excessive sharpness of jerks, if you catch stretchable fluorocarbon. Here again the point is in the transmission of momentum. Roughly speaking, fluorocarbon, as it stretches, takes part of the impulse on itself. This gives the lure a delayed start. Non-stretchy cord contributes to the fastest possible transmission and quick start. This is in hand at long distances, in poor weather conditions – allows you to clearly and accurately control the wiring of the lure.

4. Does the size of the lure actually affect the size of the prey?

Image 4 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

Large wobbler – big fish, and vice versa.

إيفان: here is not so direct connection. Fish can react differently to the size of the offered treat depending on different factors. For example, the pressurization of the reservoir, the current food base of the predator, etc. I would put it this way. The size of the wobbler is first of all its visibility. A large bait, respectively, creates more powerful, intense vibrations. And the fish, which perceives the world with the help of the lateral line, determines the size and behavior of the wobbler by the hydroacoustic vibrations that it causes.

Sometimes noticeable vibrations are also created by so-called “noisy” lures. And not necessarily large in size. Inside the body there are acoustic chambers. Their sound can be of different frequencies. In short, in my experience, low-frequency vibrations are more interesting to large fish.

The basic principle of the technique of twitching

Image 5 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

Maximum simple scheme: Jerk with the rod and reel out the line with the reel on a pause. This is the basic technique of twitching for a beginner. With time will come to understand what should be the strength of the jerk, their number and duration of pauses.

إيفان: Twitch is good because there are no 100% algorithms. Much depends on your imagination.

How to calculate the pause?

Vanya: The length of the pause depends on the conditions and speed of wiring, as well as the “mood” of the fish. I usually try a wobbler at close range. I watch how long the residual vibrations remain. This time is the minimum duration of the pause. For beginners, you can offer such an algorithm. You make a jerk, then wait for the bait to “win back”, that is, stop or start to float or sink, and the next jerk.

Why twitching large minnows is singled out separately?

Vanya: First of all, the concept of “large” is different for everyone. For someone it is 130 minnows, and for someone – 180 minnows. Secondly, there is an opinion that big baits should be “pounded” with all their might. However, I think this is a misconception. Each bait needs an individual approach. For example, we animate the famous Balisongs with 130 delicate jerks. And minnows work perfectly.

Beginner fishermen often ask about the twitching-piping on pike. What are its peculiarities?

Image 6 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

إيفان: If we talk about twitching for perch and pike, in the first case I would use fast and often quite chaotic jerks, and in the second – usually requires pauses. That is, the wiring turns out to be slower. This is especially true in the fall, when the fish is sluggish or in a bad mood, it does not need anything. The pike stands in place, and here the bait is passing by. Behind her need to rise, chase, why? Therefore, the predator can be disturbed by pauses. When the wobbler just hangs near the fish and pisses it off. In the end, the pike’s nerves fail, it attacks. It should be noted that to make pauses, especially long – psychologically hard. Sometimes you have to wait for 10 – 15 seconds – it’s a test for the spinningist.


So, let’s make a brief conclusion.

In Russia, in the generally accepted understanding of twitching is a jerk wiring.

The first ingredient of success is tackle:

Image 7 : Twitching. Part 2. Lures and technique.

For beginners:

  • Medium-fast rigid spinning from 1.8 to 2.3 meters long.

  • Comfortable will be a light rod with a not very long handle, which will not interfere with wiring.

  • The reel should well, tightly lay the fishing line to avoid dropping loops.

  • If the flure, then definitely multiplicator tackle. Braided cords are equally well suited for both bezinertionok, and for mults.

  • Twitching wobblers are creative baits. Each has its own features of the game and, consequently, the nuances of wiring, which is comprehended only in practice.

Constant training is the second ingredient of success for twitch fishing.

The easiest technique for a beginner to master is to make a jerk, then pause. The jerk is performed by the rod itself. And the fishing line is reeled out by the spool while the pause lasts. The minimum pause time = the time while the bait used retains residual vibrations.

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التعليقات: 4
  1. Rebecca Davis

    I love how you broke down the twitching techniques! I remember my first time using a twitch bait. It was super exciting – the fish were all over it! Your tips really help nail the technique. Can’t wait to hit the water with this info! Keep it coming!

  2. ريان ماكلويد

    Twitching is a game changer! I remember when I started using twitching lures for bass fishing. The sudden jerks mimic injured prey, and the bites are insane! It’s all about that rhythm. Knowing when to pause really ups your game. Can’t wait to hit the water again and try out new techniques!

  3. ريان ماكلويد

    I remember my first time trying to twitch a lure—couldn’t get the hang of it! It took some practice, but once I figured out the right rhythm, it was game on. Those fish really can’t resist a well-twitched bait. Totally worth the effort!

  4. Remy Lewis

    Twitching is a game changer! Last month, I tried it on the river, and the fish were all over my lures. Just keep it subtle and let the bait do the work. Seriously, if you want to up your game, get into twitching! You won’t regret it.

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