بحثاً عن السعادة الليلية أو قصة عن سمك البايكبيرش والمتذبذبات

Many people associate the name “pikeperch” with fishing on pits using jigs. In principle, up to a certain point I thought exactly the same, but once in one of the June days, deciding to fish for pike-perch, my friend and I came to the reef at night to “stake out” a place. And what was our surprise, when even in the darkness on the roll began some kind of madness – malek massively flew in different directions, and the sounds, reminiscent of the fallen brick in the water, clearly said that the fish feasts quite a lot. Naturally, almost the entire range of available baits immediately flew one by one into the water, but this action did not bring much result. After such a fiasco, this behavior of the fish was taken as a personal insult and, of course, we decided to repeat everything in a couple of days.

Image 1 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

As a result, after a couple of such night outings, thanks to a small bright acid vertushka, it turned out that the pikeperch was feasting in the dark. From that moment it became at least clear in which direction to move. Initially we tried to use all the same silicone, as in the jig, but using small weights and a fairly large size (3.5-4 inches). This brought quite good results, but there was one “but” – the roll was stony and “consumption” of baits was simply indecent because of the hit of such equipment between the stones and further breakage. Therefore, gradually we came to the use of wobblers minnow, deprived of this disadvantage and allow you to slow down the wiring literally almost to a complete stop and play in one place.

So, something I’m getting carried away….

To this point, perhaps, we will return a little later, and while we will talk about no less important aspects for successful pikeperch fishing at night, without which understanding of this method of fishing will not be quite complete.


Image 2 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

In this article we will not consider fishing over the holes in the snag, because I believe that this method is somewhat different and more related to the boat theme. We will dwell only on shore fishing (here I will also include fishing “zabrodku”).

Accordingly, in our case there are several variants of places.

  • The classic roll of different extensiveness and length. As a rule, there are small depressions on it – grooves and local pits behind some obstacle. It is on them pikeperch and creeps up to the careless fry. Also on the rolls work well and borders with deeper water areas. Here the pikeperch acts in a similar scheme to the gutter – breaks into the roll, grabs the victim and again returns to the depth, giving way to fellow members of the pack.
  • The second variant is the washed out bank on the river bends and the sandy spit following it. In such places, most often along the water’s edge is formed a small step with shallow depth, and behind it is the main dump. So it is on this step or directly on the spit itself downstream and likes to accumulate overnight mallow, as the strength of the flow here is somewhat weaker and he needs to spend less force. It is difficult to identify the most promising points here, because depending on the mood of the pikeperch can feed on the dump, and on the spit or in general in the groove near the shore behind the spit.

These places have only one thing in common – the presence of fry and food, as the “fight”, which will indicate the specific location of the predator, may not be at all. Therefore, on unfamiliar points I always start catching from places with small anomalies of the current and the greatest concentration of fry.


Image 3 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

Probably, this moment is one of the most fundamental criteria when catching night pikeperch. Despite the fact that it is caught practically throughout the night, as a rule, there is still some cyclicality of the maximum peak of activity. In our area – it is morning and evening twilight, or rather thirty to forty minutes after their onset. At this moment the pikeperch is the most active and often less cautious – when catching with going into the water nibbles are literally at the very feet. Then for some time he then leaves the point, then periodically returns, but the time of these “outputs” is already shorter, and the fish is already more cautious and picky. Well, in the morning before dawn activity again increases – before the first rays of the sun literally everything is boiling, and then gradually comes to naught, and the pike perch gives way on the roll approached for breakfast sheresperu.


Image 4 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

Perhaps someone will not agree with me, but to me the night fishing of pikeperch – the most democratic to the used tackle fishing option, since the choice of a certain set is more related to personal preferences. And all simply because in modern realities, even quite budgetary gear allows you to successfully catch a variety of baits, well, and the bite itself you are unlikely to miss, as in ninety cases out of a hundred it will be either the strongest blow, or just “hanging” pikeperch, after which it remains only to hook.

Naturally, the test and length should be selected from the baits used and the necessary range of throwing. And here is the structure – purely from what you like, but do not take a completely “soft” spinning, as it is likely to not allow you to make a normal hooking and you will be tortured with failures at your feet.

Here are a couple of models that were in my possession and are perfect for this fishing both in the class “light” and with heavier lures:

As for reels, their size and weight are selected according to the rod and lures. Naturally, it is desirable the absence of extraneous noises and vibrations, as in the night silence this moment can be particularly annoying and distract directly from fishing. Perhaps, I will also mention the gear ratio of the coil, as most of the wires on the pikeperch very slow, the high speed of the coil is absolutely unnecessary and will even interfere.

Wires and baits

Image 5 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

Sudak in the main mass is not as fastidious as pike, but he sometimes needs variety. For the “basic” wiring for night pike is considered the usual “even”, only in a very, very slow pace. This variant works almost always and with absolutely any baits, whether it is wobblers or silicone (for him it is in general almost the only alternative to the step). If the interest to this type of wiring in the fish is not manifested, then I begin to add various accelerations or pauses, and sometimes just enough to slightly move the tip of the rod during the movement of the bait. Well, and if it does not help, then the case comes into play the most that is nothing but the classic jerk wiring up to very aggressive variants of it with the absence of pauses. In general, as in the case of any predator, if the standard methods do not help, you should not be afraid to experiment.

Image 6 : In search of night happiness or a story about pikeperch and wobblers...

As for baits, then first of all we are interested in their size and the horizon of diving. This is due to the fact that there are certain days when the pikeperch prefers a certain size and absolutely does not react to the other. Sometimes it even concerns specific points, on which even a hardy pikeperch prefers wobblers not more than 70 millimeters or give him “cutlets” from the 110th size. And the horizon is important to us not only because of the depth at the tumbleweed, but also because at the very beginning of its “exit” pikeperch begins to hunt in the surface layers and then gradually descends closer to the bottom. And I start catching with wobblers with a small depth and gradually descend after the fish.

A lot of baits to give an example I will not, because in fact, depending on the conditions everyone’s favorites will be completely different. But I will mention a few more or less universal ones:

Well, perhaps, that’s it… I hope I have managed to shed a little light on this “dark topic” for those who have never dared to try this type of fishing. The rest can be understood only through practice, so there is no single and universal recipe, and experience, as you know, comes with time …

المؤلف: بوب نود هو صياد خبير يتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 20 عاماً في مجال الصيد وفائز بالعديد من المسابقات.

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;-) :| :x :: ملتوية: :ابتسم: :صدمة: :: حزين: :: تدحرج: :razz :: عفوًا :o :mrggreen !لول :فكرة :ابتسامة عريضة :شرير: :: البكاء: :: رائع: :سهم :???: :?: :!:
