Among the variety of baits for catching bass there are a couple of other options slightly less popular than the same silicone baits or spinning blades, but nevertheless from this they do not cease to be “working” and catching. Naturally, with a correction for the conditions of fishing and your skills, well, and it is about such lures today we will talk to you and ….
So, vibes or as they are commonly called in our country – rattlins in addition to its direct purpose in sea fishing and bass fishing, in our conditions are mainly used for fishing from the ice and it is worth admitting that quite successfully. Nevertheless, there are already many who use them in the summer when catching the same stud or pikeperch, and of course our hero – bass. Naturally, that all this applies to small models, because when fishing from the shore to use heavy and bulky vibes fraught with a large “consumption” of baits or you will simply “plow” the bottom without much result. So let’s start with them to make it clearer what we are dealing with and how to use it all in our realities.
Many people use them in the summer when catching the same stud or pikeperch, and of course our hero – perch.
As I said earlier for catching perch in the course of my small vibes size 40-50 millimeters and weight of 5-10 grams. This is due to the fact that the fishing is mainly in the coastal zone, and the perch itself most often prefers small baits. In form as a rule – it is wide-bodied models with a pronounced “cicada” game, capable of “winding up” literally from the first revolutions of the reel.
In terms of shape, as a rule – these are wide-bodied models with a pronounced “cicada” game.
Por supuesto, there are exceptions, when the conditions or situation dictate a slightly larger bait size, but these are really exceptions to the rules and it does not happen often. As for colors, I do not worry much and by habit, taken from the catching stud, I prefer mostly natural colors, but this does not mean that acid or other – brighter options will not work. They will, and even the same stud himself reacts well to them, and the perch with its tendency to bright baits will not miss them. The only sad moment is that since the catch is mainly at the bottom of the age of these baits is not very long. By the way, in the case of vibes rigid leash in addition to its main function helps to combat overlaps, as some lures by virtue of their design features are often sinful.
Rigid leash in addition to its main function helps to combat overlaps.
Lugares de pesca
Actually, you can use rattlins when catching bass absolutely everywhere where there is water, but I most often use them when fishing on stone ridges and the remains of various hydraulic structures. As you know, the perch is very attracted to places with a hard bottom and various anomalies on it, as it is in such places concentrated malek, which is the main diet of striped robber. Also works very well with this type of bait when fishing shore dumps, when we lead our Vib directly along the berm with periodic touching the bottom. Otherwise, you can really use Vibes everywhere – you just need to choose the optimal size and weight, so that it was not carried away by the current or vice versa – it did not “plow” the bottom.
Also works very well this type of baits when catching shore dumps.
In fact, when catching perch the main methods of animation of these baits only two, and the rest are just their variations.
- The first is the usual uniform wiring in a fairly slow pace in order to our Vibe periodically clung to the bottom and created a favorite every self-respecting perch a small cloud of muti. Another variant of the “even” resembles a technique known to many minnows such as wiring “on the demolition”, but we lead the bait again with touches and at the bottom. For obvious
reasons it is possible only with the lightest lures otherwise we at least just drag the rattlin on the bottom or worse – tear it off at the snag. - The second option is a classic jig step. With the only difference that most often I do the undermining directly rod, not the reel and with its help only choose the slackness of the cord. Why exactly rod, and because unlike silicone baiting on rattlins mainly occurs not on the fall, but at the moment of detonation and we need to clearly understand that our bait “started” and works. And again – at the moment of falling vibe is lowered already on a stretched cord and miss the bite is very difficult.
Otherwise, everything is in your hands and these options can be combined with each other, picking up something of your own. Especially since the preferences of your perch can be radically different and everything can be exactly the opposite.
These options may well be combined with each other, picking up something of your own.
Due to the fact that when catching perch we use small baits your rod can be absolutely any. And it does not necessarily have to be something expensive, because due to a fairly active game vibes you will feel it even using relatively budget spinning rods.
Por ejemplo:
Due to the fairly active game of vibes you will feel it even using relatively budget spinning.
For the same reasons, there are no special requirements and to the reels, except, perhaps, only the laying of the cord, as this is the main point when using thin cords. Which, by the way, and we use in the case of small rattlin. Again, because of the large amount of abrasive on the bottom to take something expensive makes no sense, especially since, as I mentioned above, even a small vibe clearly “hear” and miss the bite of perch just unreal.
From what I used myself:
Well, and as a conclusion I can say that you should not be afraid of sinking baits and especially rattlins, as they are prone to breakage, but at the same time quite capable of more than once to help you out. Especially in those moments when the perch is not particularly active and use something else we just do not allow conditions….
Do not be afraid of sinking baits and more so rattlins….
Autor: Bob Nudd es un experto pescador con más de 20 años de experiencia y ganador de numerosos concursos.
As a bass fisherman, I can say that the right vibes make all the difference. Last trip, I felt a crazy energy near the rocks and hooked a monster! Don’t underestimate the power of good vibes when you’re out there. Trust me, it’s a game changer!
Fishing is all about the vibes, you know? Last summer, I hooked a massive bass using just vibes and rattlesnakes. The thrill was unreal! If you want to up your game, trust me—try it out! You’ll be reeling in some monsters in no time!
Fishing with vibes can be a game-changer! One time, I paired a viby lure with a rattle and hooked a massive bass. The combo gets their attention and can make all the difference. Definitely worth trying out next time you’re on the water!
Man, I remember this epic trip! We hit the lake with our vibes, and bam! Caught a monster bass while dodging rattlesnakes on the shore! The adrenaline was off the charts! Pure thrill, flipping lures and enjoying nature. Gotta love those fishing adventures! Can’t wait for the next one!
Man, I remember when we hit that spot with vibes! The bass were just smashing them! Then, outta nowhere, a rattlesnake slithered by. My buddy nearly jumped outta the boat! But hey, the fishing was on fire that day—definitely one for the books! What a rush!