What is important to know about coho salmon for successful fishing?
1. The coho salmon is a gregarious fish.
2. In the morning and afternoon, chekhon prefer the upper layers of water. It is in them that it mainly feeds because of the peculiarity of the structure of the mouth.
3. The main source of food – insects and their larvae, worms.
4. The best time for catching is spring.
Fishing for chekhon in the spring river is interesting and exciting. In this case, the correct preparation is of great importance, because the strong spring current makes you weight the tackle and use different techniques during fishing.
The tackle for catching cheshoni
1. Feeders weighing 120-150 grams at this time – a common phenomenon. Feeder is better to use an open type, with large holes in the basket and feeders – nets (if the feeder is plastic) or with a wide cage (if the feeder is metal). The main task of the feeder is to instantly start giving the bait the moment it falls into the water! Here is an example of feeders that can be purchased Lefty NN Bomber, Vegas Simple, Liman Fish Feeder Sport-kombi.
2. When fishing for Czechoni it is better to use rods with a length of 3.9 – 4.2 meters. Feeder rod should have a good safety margin and at the same time be light and comfortable. If the coho are actively fishing, throws are made very often. Using a rough and heavy feeder tackle (combination of rod, reel, feeder) will make fishing difficult and after an hour this activity will want to stop.
3. Since coho prefer the upper layers of water, a long leash will help us in fishing. A meter length is not enough, it is better to use a longer leash, one and a half meters will be by the way. A leash of this length with a light hook sinks slower and stays in the water column longer, which gives the Czechoni more time to attack the bait.
There are additional ways to keep the bait in the water column, or to raise it above the bottom after the feeder is laid down. The best of them is a foam ball. It is put on the hook first, lifted closer to the ring or spatula, followed by the planting of nozzle, worms, a few oparods.
A long leash needs to get used to, it is not easy to work with it. The place behind the back should be clean, free of grass, branches, stones. At first it is better to get up from a chair or armchair when throwing a tackle with a long leash. This will be more comfortable and safer.
4. The hook must be sharp. This is the first rule. It must have a long barb – this is the second rule. The color and shape of the hook, the way it is tied – ring or spatula – do not play the main role. A long barb is very convenient for the use of voluminous bait, and sharpness provides a quality hooking.
As soon as the hook begins to hurt the oparychus when planting, the leash should be changed. For this purpose, it is better to have leashes in stock, so as not to lose time on its manufacture during fishing. An excellent option is to tie a couple dozen leashes at home before going fishing and put them in a special leash holder. My favorites – hooks OWNER series 53100 and 53101 #10.
5. Leash line. When fishing for coho you can safely use fishing line with a diameter from 0.12mm to 0.16mm, for example, Team Dunaev 50m 0.117mm, Team Dunaev 50m 0.148mm. It is not practical to use a thinner line. Chekhon are very active in spring, the fishing is dynamic.
Bait for catching coho salmon
1. Bait is the next important link in the chain. It is better to use bait bright colors, yellow or red.
2. An excellent additive when fishing for coho salmon is millet groats. The play of colors in the bait – an additional attractive factor. If the bait is yellow, it is better to use red millet. If the bait is red – millet should be yellow. It is not difficult to color it. After cooking it you need to add food coloring or special fishing paint.
3. In the bait when catching chehoni can and should be added oparychis, coconut shavings, multicolored breadcrumbs, hemp. Such additives will give a long plume in the water, attracting Czechonie to the place of fishing. Well in the bait for catching Czechonja works copra-melassa.
Use of flavorings
Fishing flavoring for bait is our good assistant. They can highlight the bait, give it an additional flavor. Even a foam ball on the hook gets more attractiveness if it is treated with a flavor spray.
It is almost impossible to predict or guess the flavor, for this reason you need to have a small stock with you. Sprays are selected “in a circle”, each new throw should be made with a new flavor. This is how you can quickly pick up the flavor that works today. In addition, sprays can be mixed with each other and treat the nozzle simultaneously with several flavors. For example, Dunaev Amino-Dip Vanilla, Amino-Dip Coconut, Amino-Dip Walnut.
Fishing tactics
1. The place is chosen, the bait is prepared, the tackle is assembled. Everything is ready for fishing. Start feeding should be done without fail. Five to seven feeders quickly thrown to the catching point is a good signal for a coho salmon.
2. An excellent technique at the initial stage of fishing is the forced emptying of the feeder. As soon as the feeder touches the water, you need to make a short sharp movement with the rod. Yes, there should be a lot of bait! The feeder is used voluminous, throws are made often. All this increases the consumption of bait.
3. tackle should not be on the bottom for a long time. A minute is already a lot. Very seldom nibbles occur from the bottom, yet the chekhon is not a bottom fish. As soon as the feeder has fallen to the bottom, count in your mind to 10 and make a new throw.
4. Before you make a reset, a smooth movement of the rod can slightly raise the feeder. The long leash will be raised on the current, which may lead to a bite. This is another good technique.
5. Do not forget about the need to change the bait. No bites on the worm? Do not wait, and after two or three empty throws change the bait. Instead of worms, we put on oparychus. White, red, or their combination. From the speed of reaction to fishing conditions and fish behavior depends on the result of fishing.
Additional accessories
1. Towel. Hands should be kept clean.
2. Extractor. It will help to quickly remove the fish from the hook without injuring it. This is especially important if you plan to fish according to the principle “Catch – let go!”.
3. A suspender with a long handle. Bream and yazi are frequent guests when catching Czechoni. It is a pleasant bonus, but it is not practical to lift a large and strong fish on a fishing line out of the water. You can break the leash, you can break the rod.
4. Sieve for bait. It allows you to make the bait soft and fluffy, to break the lumps formed when moisturizing.
The key to success in any business is quality preparation. Fishing is no exception. It is important not only to know the peculiarities of the body structure and nutrition of fish, their habitats, it is important to have a comprehensive approach to fishing. A short fishing rod will be inconvenient to throw the equipment with a long leash, improperly prepared and strongly moistened bait will give the bait on the bottom, which is only to the detriment in the catching of Czechoni. A short leash will quickly fall to the bottom, which will greatly reduce the chances of a bite and a good catch.
Auteur : Bob Nudd est un pêcheur expert qui a plus de 20 ans d'expérience et qui a remporté de nombreux concours.