Catching on spinning is very versatile and involves many ways to seduce on the bite of predators and not them alone. It differs not only in the used baits and styles of wiring, tackle and other attributes.
It can also be divided by the horizontal catching, of course, conditionally: surface, in the water column and bottom. The last option in most cases can be identified with jig fishing.
But it is not so simple, because it is a huge indescribable section of spinning with many features, about which you can safely start writing a novel. Therefore, I will try to limit myself to only one type of jig fishing, which has recently been gaining popularity among anglers.
It will be about fishing with spaced jigs.
What is it in general?
With a jig is more or less clear to everyone, it is either a rigid coupling with the bait, as, for example, in the case of a jig-head, on which the silicone bait is planted on top, or articulated jigs, where the bait is planted on a hook(single, offset, double), connected to the load (collapsible “cheburashka”, with the help of a clasp or winding ring).
That is, in the classic jig understanding, the lure is closely converged with the load. In the case of dispersed jigs everything is the opposite, that’s why they are “dispersed” – the lure is separated from the load with the help of a leash.
Lunghezza del guinzaglio
The length of the leash can be different depending on the type of rigging, fish activity, tackle used, etc. Most often used leashes are from 50 cm to 1.2 meters long. This is a kind of golden mean.
Although, of course, do not take everything at face value and experiment unequivocally. It happens that for one fishing trip have to knit leashes and in 30 cm and a half, and even two meters, but this is more like an exception to the rules.
They are conditioned primarily by the degree of activity of fish. Short leashes (up to 50 cm) brought the best results when catching active fish, more nibbles than with longer ones.
But if the predator turns his nose, it is worth putting a leash over 1.2 m, sometimes comes to leashes almost not in the spinning length. Throw inconvenient and range suffers seriously, but the effect is positive – the fish bites, although in the same place before the silence …
But in most cases, the length of about a meter – what you need!
Materiale del guinzaglio
The two main contenders are monofilament and flurocarbon. They are most often used by anglers. Each of the materials has its own advantages.
Fluorocarbon, as is known, has the property of “invisibility” under water, so its use can help in the search for the most cunning and passive fish. By the number of nibbles, it will also go somewhat ahead of the usual fishing line. In addition, depending on the thickness of the “flure”, it better resists pike teeth, which positively affects the protection of baits.
But it has one disadvantage, which should be taken into account – it is the lack of extensibility and lower breaking load compared to mono-filament. Especially it affects the knots. If suddenly its thickness is insufficient, the bite was too ringing, the fish is a good size, and the reaction of the fisherman is lightning fast, the chance to tear off the bait and lose the trophy is very high.
There are actually a lot of factors, but many people have to go through this. Sometimes even 0.2-0.25 mm fluorocarbon at a sharp hook-up can simply break off the lure. This disadvantage can be extinguished with a softer spinning rod, but then you can simply not cut through the fish, or control your emotions, which is not always possible in the excitement.
For such cases there is a good old fishing line! It has a high stretchability and viscosity, if I may say so, due to which the fishing line takes the load on itself and dampens the first jerk of the fish. Even with a stiff rod, the chance of catching a fish without loss is much greater. Such troubles can happen only with a very thin fishing line. Usually if a large fish in the reservoir is present, it is better to put a mono fishing line thickness of 0.2-0.25 mm, which unlike similar flurocarbon will be enough to prevent the above described.
Fishing rod
There is no strict criterion for choosing a fishing rod for fishing with spaced jigs. But some necessary properties it should still have.
Lunghezza. The use of a leash implies a proportional lengthening of the spinning rod. You can catch and two meters, but it will be inconvenient. More often used rods from 2.5 m and longer.
Their advantage over short ones is not only in the convenience of handling, but also in the need to get the bait to the right place. Jig does not get in the way, does not dangle in the air, when throwing it, the leverage is good. Here all these interferences are present, so the length matters!
Stroi. To him, the jig is much more demanding, it is supposed to be fast. Spaced jigs are similar in this, but they look more interesting even with softer rods of medium-fast string. Although excessive softness can lead to poor realization of nibbles, because the delivery of our jerk when hooking occurs even later than in jig – at the expense of the leash.
When fishing for perch, you can successfully use rods with a structure close to regular. They will perfectly work out the frequent jerks of this fish and in vain it will not traumatize. But if the goal – catching pike and especially pikeperch, then here it is better to take with you a rod medium-fast or fast structure.
Sensitivity. As with jig fishing, with spaced jigs it is important to feel what is happening with our bait under water and to catch nibbles, they just happen to be much more delicate, especially when catching passive perch.
In general, the more sonorous the rod, the better – it’s a fact! It is also important to identify the unevenness of the bottom, because in most cases, the nibbles occur where there are anomalies (bumps, snags, holes…). Leash jigs more often jigs require the use of slow wiring, which often helps to better explore the relief, find interesting places and catch taki-fish!
Therefore, a balance of throwing distance, sensitivity, viscosity on the fish, sufficient rigidity should be observed.
Types of jigs
Despite the common features and a single meaning of dispersed snap, they can have a different structure and purpose.
Diverting leash
The most popular type of this type of spinning jigs is definitely “diverting”. It has a simple structure, clear in application and has some advantages over others.
The lower loop is for the cargo. For its installation you will need a triple swivel, offset hook, load and fishing line (flurocarbon). To the main fishing line (for better sensory and qualitative hooking is better to use braided cord) tie the swivel for the upper ear. To the middle knit a leash to which the hook is attached. The shape of the weight can be different: “pear”, “banana”, “olive”. This good in any fishing store is enough. For lack of can even tie jig lead “Cheburashka”. That is, the load can be absolutely any shape, the main thing that he had a loop for the fishing line.
From the point of view of better passage of underwater obstacles leads a special load for the diversion – similar to a banana.
The weight is knitted to the lower loop on the fishing line, which should be thicker than the main and leash. It takes on the damage and should have a reserve in comparison with the leash. Thinner than the diameter of 0.3 mm in it makes no sense.
The depth of the bait depends just on the length of this leash, which is worth considering. In general, the lead is good on fishing trips, when you need to spend the bait over the bottom, but not on it. For example, in the case of a soft surface or a large amount of debris on the bottom.
Carolina rigging
No less successful variant of the dispersed snap, in many respects similar to the diversion. It is even rather its simplified version.
To tie it, we will need similar “ingredients”, only instead of a triple swivel we add the usual plus need a locking ball (plastic or rubber with a diameter of 4-8 mm with a through hole in the middle).
Take the load – the classic installation is with a “bullet” or “olive”, but the use of the described in the section diverter forms of cargoes will not worsen this equipment. Next, we thread the main fishing line through the hole of the cargo or in its loop. Then hang a locking ball and to the end of this fishing line tie a swivel, and on its second side – a leash with a hook and bait.
From the point of view of time to equip this method is much simpler diverted and with it less confusion when throwing. It is also very good in cases of bottom fishing, i.e. the need to spend the bait on the very bottom, with its touch.
Texas rigging
This is the least expensive variant of spaced jigging. In essence, the same “Carolina”, but without an intermediate link in the form of a swivel, ie, the load (bullet) goes on the line freely up to the bait.
This provides high passability of the equipment in snags, where it is mainly used.
Drop shot
Also a simple version of the snap, representing the main fishing line, at the end of which is attached to the weight of any shape, and above it (usually 20-50 cm) is knitted hook (single or offset). More precisely, the hook is tied first, and the weight is attached from below.
In contrast to the previous “raznesenok”, drop shot is used in a different way. They catch not traditional wiring horizontally, when dragging the bait along the bottom, and make lifting / lowering up and down.
Most often, this equipment is effective along steep berms and pronounced dumps from the shoal to the depth.
Esche artificiali
An overwhelming number of anglers use rubber as baits when fishing with spaced jigs. It can be both inedible and edible silicone.
The last option is even more popular for obvious reasons: now on the market there is a large selection of silicone “fish” with a large content of salt in the structure of the rubber and attractant outside. Their combination allows you to increase both the number of bites, and to disinvigorate passive fish and make it still bite.
The type of silicone bait itself can be any – it is all sorts of vibro-tails, twisters, worms, crayfish and many other hypostases of known and fictional inhabitants of rivers and lakes. To suggest which of them will be better in specific conditions, will only be able to personal experience and the opinion of the fish.
But not only silicone baits are limited to the choice of fisherman when fishing with such jigs. For example, some, especially in reservoirs with a relatively clean bottom, put as bait on the leash wobblers. This is a very effective way of catching! The only condition of such fishing – the floating nature of the wobbler, because if it will be neutral buoyancy or sinking, it will constantly bump into the bottom and the chance of leaving it there forever increases many times. The point in wobblers with a large blade is also absent, because due to the weight it will be at the bottom.
Similarly, you can use and blades: rotating and oscillating. Moreover, it makes sense to put it is small baits, which in normal conditions fly not far and bury them problematically.
No less effective bait when catching dispersed jigs is also a fly. It is very catching and can compete even with rubber, especially if the fish on the latter does not react.
They are the main essence of spaced jigs as a way to get away from zero. The leash, which keeps the bait at a distance from the load, allows it to behave more naturally in the water, and when bitten, it feels the bait less. The result is an explosive mixture, almost 100% imitating the real prey.
The peculiarity of these jigs is the possibility of maximum slowing down of the wiring, i.e. barely noticeable dragging of the load along the bottom, which raises the mud, interesting the fish, and behind it seductively shows the very “prey”. The fish eats it without a backward thought, and the fisherman’s heart stops and the wrenching begins!
Different from others enters only drop-shot, which is animated rather due to jerk wiring rod – lifting and lowering the weight on the bottom, knocking on snags, banks….
Other types of jigs are more universal and catch even on jig step wiring, but in terms of luring passive fish slow wiring out of competition. These are small turns of the coil (1/2-1/8 turn) or dragging spinning a few tens of centimeters (20-50) and then pause (1-5 sec.). On them sometimes it is worth playing in place and again wait for a pause. If there is a fish nearby, it will definitely bite!
Catch on spaced jigs can be absolutely on any reservoirs, their distinctive feature is that the weight of the load does not affect the game of the bait, so if the catch occurs at great depths or on a strong current can not worry and put heavy weights complete with rubber in 2-3 inches, which when fishing jig will lead to overload and affect the game of the bait.
In the end, spaced jigs are one of the best remedies for no-bite!
Fish Gold weight “Divert” 24gr.
Fish Gold flat drop weight Fish Gold sliding 11gr
Fish Gold weight Fish Gold Olive with a camcorder 12gr
Weight Bullet Spinnigline 7-1.75
Kosadaka 2012BN
Stinger ST-1027
Namuzu Tripple Swivel 14×16
Crazy Fish 1 #12
Gurza Elastic Beads 1.2x6mm
Nautilus Luminous Soft Beads Round 5mm
Stonfo Perle Tonde 6mm
Gardner Covert Safety Beads Brown
Autore: Bob Nudd è un esperto pescatore con oltre 20 anni di esperienza e vincitore di numerose competizioni.
I totally vibe with spaced jigs! I remember hitting the water last summer and finally nailing that sweet rhythm. I felt like a legend when my buddy caught a big one. It’s such a game changer for getting those bites. Can’t wait to hit the lake again!