Spinning is one of the most exciting and active types of fishing. Spinning fishing includes a lot of very different directions. Catching for spinning is extremely effective, excitement and very quickly ignites a real sporting interest in fishermen, because the spinning tackle can catch a very worthwhile trophy. Before every angler who decided to start mastering spinning, there is a question of choosing the right gear. This section presents articles where each reader can find interesting information about spinning fishing. This is a kind of Encyclopedia of fishing, where articles on spinning topics are collected.
Over the past 20 years, a type of fishing line that we call “braided cord” has become firmly established in the arsenal of modern anglers. It is
Lov rýb prívlačou v sladkých vodách je pravdepodobne v mnohých ohľadoch podobný na celom svete. Pravdepodobne najznámejšie v spinningových destináciách sú vďaka bohatým trhom Japonsko a
V posledných rokoch sa lov na voblery dostáva čoraz viac do popredia a stáva sa veľmi populárnym medzi našimi prívlačiarmi. Je to pochopiteľné, pretože línia týchto
Voblery triedy Minnow sú pravdepodobne najrozšírenejšie medzi rybármi loviacimi na rotačku z hromadných nástrah. O ich vynikajúcej chytľavosti niet pochýb. Táto trieda má často slabo vyjadrené
Rybári loviaci na rotačku sa už mnohokrát stretli so situáciou, keď dravec chytil nástrahu, ale nezasekol sa. Nie je to chyba rybára alebo
Oscilačný trollingový vlasec je najjednoduchšou, ale zároveň najkomplexnejšou nástrahou. Neexistuje rybár, ktorý by nevedel, ako vyzerá oscilačný trolling. Je to tiež
Rattlin is a lipless flat sinking wobbler. All over the world such wobblers are classified as lipless crankbaits, which means lipless crankbaits. Or else they are classified as
Perhaps the greatest number of varieties of baits are invented for catching pike. The most technologically complex in the production of lures and the most realistic both in
It is probably not an exaggeration to say that today spinning is the most popular type of fishing. “Spinning fishing” – the concept is too general and multifaceted.
Spinning blades are one of the most catching, and, accordingly, and the most popular spinning lures. It is no coincidence that many anglers began to master the basics