Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

Slika 1 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjene gume na majhni reki

Z vsako novo poletno sezono na svoji najljubši reki opazim ne najbolj ugodno lastnost - rezervoar je porasel z veliko trave, zaradi katere je lovljenje problematično. To je milo rečeno, saj skoraj vsak met namesto želene trofeje prinese snop trave. In tu si ne želite, da bi iskali rešitev za to težavo, in ta je, in to zelo preprosta, a hkrati najučinkovitejša. Na pomoœ priskoœi orodje, imenovano raztovorjena guma. Torej o vsem po vrsti.

Izbira premaknjenih kavljev

Slika 2 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

If who has not yet fished for unloaded rubber or jig, then in brief I will say that in most cases when fishing in hard-to-reach places where a large number of hooks, use offset hooks, because the form of such a hook allows you to hide the sting of the hook directly in the body of the bait. In general, in terms of the choice of offset hooks, anglers can be divided into two camps – those who use inexpensive hooks, because of the constant snags, respectively because of the inevitable breaks, and those who use not the most budgetary offset hooks. Here it all depends on the conditions of fishing, if there are a lot of hooks, then catching on expensive offset hooks is very costly. On my example I will say that on the river, where I catch, there are no driftwood, mostly grass. Yes, if there is a snag, then because of the shallow river to the snag is safe to get to, so I try not to save on the offset and use sharp and already proven not one season hooks from the Japanese company Varivas series Hooking Master Light Class and more powerful Hooking Master Heavy Wide. Hooks are similar, the difference is in the thickness of the wire. Accordingly, I use hooks of these series with different silicone baits, namely Light Class (light class) with soft “rubber” up to three inches (7 cm) and Heavy Wide (heavy, wide) with large rubber from three inches and more. If we talk about baits, then let’s go directly to them.

Izbira vab

Slika 3 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

Slugs, twisters, vibro-tails – all these types of silicone baits are perfect for fishing with unloaded rubber. But due to the active and expressive game, wibro-tail is considered the most winning bait among the others, including me. Noticed such a feature that in most cases, based on personal experience, white color shows the best results when catching pike. Therefore, most of the silicone baits in my arsenal are light shades, but this does not mean that other colors are “silent”. Not at all. It is necessary to have and acidic shades, for example, when fishing in cloudy weather, and when the pike is passive, and bright colors provoke it to bite. Of the variety of silicone baits I can confidently recommend the following inexpensive but proven vibrotails, which I often catch: Akkoi Diplomat, Lucky John S-Shad Tail, Lucky John Tioga, Kosadaka Easy Shiner.

Slika 4 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

Velik kos in usta so zadovoljna, a kot kaže praksa, ta rek na majhnih rekah ne drži povsem. Ščuka je neverjeten plenilec in ne grize vedno na velike vabe. Na enem ribolovnem izletu ima raje 2-palčno, na naslednjem pa da 4-palčno gumo, zato je zaželeno imeti vabe različnih velikosti in pogosteje eksperimentirati neposredno v procesu ribolova. Spodaj je tabela, s katero (vse je odvisno od oblike trnka in njegovega proizvajalca) za izbor optimalne velikosti ofsetnega trnka pod ščuko dimenzije silikonske gume pri ribolovu na majhni reki.

Velikost silikonske vabeVelikost premaknjenega kavlja
2,8 palca (70 mm)1
3 palce (75 mm)1/0
3,5 palca (90 mm)2/0 – 3/0
4 palce (100 mm)3/0 – 4/0

Izbira pletene vrvice

Slika 5 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

These days, most anglers prefer braided cords over monofilament or flurocarbon lines, so this is the cord we will be talking about. The choice of braided cord is an important factor and should have certain characteristics, because fishing on a heavily overgrown river is difficult and requires from the cord some and not unimportant characteristics. The first thing to consider is which cord to choose, a four-strand or an eight-strand cord. Certainly four-core. I had a bitter but instructive experience of fishing on 8-strand braids. Bitter in the sense that such braids did not last a season, because “eight-strand” are afraid of abrasive and quickly come to disrepair. Especially with constant contact with grass and other abrasive, as the threads from which the cord is woven, thinner than the “cheryrehzhilok”, respectively, and torn such a thread is easier. Yes, 8-strand cords are more sensitive, but in fishing for unloaded rubber sensitivity is not the most important criterion in choosing it, here the main thing is abrasion resistance and reliability, because the pike often have to drag through all the grass and the strength of the cord comes to the forefront.

Slika 6 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

With the thickness of the cord does not need to be shallow, I do not advise you to go below 1.0 PE ( 0.17 mm) in the Japanese classification, and better and even use 1.5 PE (0.2-0.21 mm), with such a diameter of cord is not so terrible grass, and at the bite of the trophy “toothy”, the power of “one and a half” enough that it would not give it to go into the thickets of grass, and thus without any problems to force disemboweling. Unwinding on small rivers is enough and 100 meters, because the range of throwing is not as important as accuracy. I usually throw rarely reaches and twenty meters, often all the fishing is on the short. If we start from inexpensive models of cords, I can recommend the budget firm Akkoi and their series of cords Mask Ultra X4 in diameter 0.18 mm, although in practice the cord is obviously thicker, and by all parameters perfectly fits into the conditions of fishing.


Slika 7 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjene gume na majhni reki

For fishing in difficult conditions you need a proven and quite powerful spinning, which should not let you down on the forced fishing. First of all, you need to pay attention to the class of spinning. I repeat that an easy walk along the shore will not work, and each pike bite is a test of the whole tackle as a whole and separately spinning. I would recommend to pay attention to Medium Light or Medium class. Such rods have a reserve of power in the stem, which allows you to force fishing through all the thickets of grass without fear for spinning. At the same time the test on baits at such sticks grams to 20-25 grams, which in principle allows you to make good throws. In that season for these purposes bought a spinning Maximus Manic 20L in the test up to 16 grams, in practice, the spinning was much more powerful. The stick is perfectly suited to these fishing conditions – power reserve in the stem, good throwing and length of two meters is optimal for fishing on small rivers. Although the range of throwing, of course, is not great, because one vibrotail weighs little, and spinning medium class to work with such weights are not designed. But to increase the throwing range, you can weight the offset hook with a light chuburashka to three grams, or buy special weighted offset hooks.

Pogoji ribolova

Slika 8 : Lovljenje ščuk na neobremenjeno gumo na majhni reki

Ne bom označil nobenih omejitev in nekaterih pogojev pri ribolovu za neobremenjene gume. Ker jo lahko vržete, kamor si želi ribičeva duša, tudi v divjino trave, in tam bo ta oprema delovala, če je plenilec na takih mestih in je tam nedvoumno, zlasti v vročih dneh, ko se skriva pred žgočim soncem. Ne pojdite mimo "okna" čiste vode med grmovjem trave, tudi če je meter na meter, na takih mestih se pogosto skriva ščuka. Lahko za nekaj ur ribolova ne postavite ne voblerjev ne lopatic, saj neobremenjena guma - to je na prvi pogled zelo preprosta rešitev, vendar ima pomembne prednosti, in sicer: veliko grize na njej, visoka prehodnost, kjer so druge vabe izven konkurence, fantazija pri animaciji, proračun v primeru zloma. Na splošno so prednosti trnka dovolj, da ga preizkusite v poslu.

Spodnja vrstica

Na koncu lahko le dodamo, da je lovljenje raztovorjenih gum zelo razburljiv in čustven proces. Ulov mora biti pogosto v plitvih predelih reke, zato se pred vašimi očmi pojavljajo besne ščuke, od tega pa še večja želja po ulovu na ta trnek. Razumeti je treba, da učinkovitost trnkov ni visoka, saj mora biti trnek, da bi se izognili stalnim prijemom, skrit v telesu vabe, zato in je zatikanje slabše od druge opreme. Osebno me ne skrbi, da bi ščuke ne uspele, vse to nadomestijo nepozabne "zobotrebce", ki lahko vabo napadejo večkrat med samo enim vodenjem.

Avtor: Bob Nudd je ribiški strokovnjak z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami in zmagovalec številnih tekmovanj.

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