Що таке рибалка з берега на спінінг
This type of fishing has long been known not only to sportsmen fishermen, but also to amateurs. Most spinningists this is how they began to master the catching of predatory fish on artificial lures. Therefore, everything seems to be clear and understandable here, but, as everywhere, there are certain nuances and patterns, knowledge and understanding of which makes catching fish much easier. This applies not only to the selection of gear, but also to the correct choice of water body, and especially the local place of fishing, taking into account various factors.
Види берегового спінінгу
Ловлю спінінгом з берега можна розділити на різні напрямки, кожен з яких вимагає індивідуального підбору снастей і умов ловлі:
- джиг - до цього типу я відношу класичну джигову ловлю з використанням м'яких силіконових приманок і поролонових рибок, а також всілякі рознесені блешні;
- воблери - тут мається на увазі як ловля щуки на великі мінноу, так і ловля головня на мікрокрекери;
- спінінгова ловля лопатей;
- мікроджиг - ловля хижої та нехижої риби на мініатюрні м'які приманки.
Звичайно, це досить вузький поділ і кожен напрямок можна розділити на більшу кількість видів і підвидів, але це тема для окремих статей. Тут я хочу розповісти про загальні принципи і нюанси, по можливості максимально розкриваючи кожен напрямок спінінгу.
Як ловити, де ловити, на що ловити
Риболовля на джиг
Classic jig fishing is gaining popularity due to the simplicity of learning the basics and relatively inexpensive equipment. A jig rod for shore fishing should ideally be long – 2.5 – 3 meters, as the throwing distance plays a big role. Stroi Extra Fast, i.e. “stubby” blank with a playing top, which is necessary for the animation of the bait and which allows you to track the tip of the bait or the fall of the load on the bottom. Jig is the most convenient to get fish from the depth. Since the jig rigging has excellent flight characteristics, you can cover not only coastal holes and coastal dumps, but also deep places that are at a decent distance from the shore. You need to be very careful when choosing a braided cord. Firstly, a quality jig cord greatly increases the sensory power of the tackle. Secondly, the thickness of the cord depends on the weight of the used sinker, on the current the difference in the weight of the sinker can reach more than 10 gr. when using a thicker cord. Jig is a universal tackle, so in some cases, using large baits with a load of a few grams, you can catch pike even on small, hardened micro rivers and in overgrown lakes.
Leash jigs:
And other similar ones also belong to jig tackle, but have their own specialization. First, the rod – it should also be sensitive, but the line is no longer “stake” and Fast or Regular Fast to increase the distance of throwing. Such jigs are used in difficult to pass jig bogged places, on shoals or with a fast current.
The main objects of catching on jig and leash jigs will be pikeperch, pike, perch, yaz, less often chub and stud. Given that some leash jigs will not be able to use a leash and pike catching must be very careful that she did not cut the tackle.
Спінінгова ловля з берега на воблери
Catching fish from the shore on wobblers is interesting and diverse, it gives the opportunity to cover different underwater horizons and catch any predatory fish. The main difference when fishing from a boat is the increased risk of parting with your favorite, expensive and catchable bait because of a snag. If on the boat you can swim to the place of snagging and release the wobbler unhook, then from the shore it helps in exceptional cases. Sometimes, if you really want to fish in an unknown place, it makes sense to first throw inexpensive and not particularly valuable bait, which is not a pity to part with, to check the place for snags, nets and other things.
One of the main types of fishing in this area is the jerk animation of minnow-type wobblers. The rod for “twitching” should have a number of parameters. First, the length – despite the fact that when fishing from the shore the distance of throwing plays a big role, to increase it at the expense of the length of the rod is not possible, because with a large length loses the accuracy of animation. This parameter everyone selects individually, but mostly “twitching” rods have a length of 1.8 – 2.2 meters. Secondly, the structure of the rod. Since the jerk animation is quite a lot of pressure on the blank, the extra fast is difficult to set the wobbler the right movements because of the fact that only the tip works, the ideal would be Regular Fast, so that when animating the wobbler blank worked on the entire length, also this moment increases the distance of throwing.
Крім того, вудилище має бути жорстким, щоб бланк навантажувався під час ривка, але не виходив з ладу. Основним об'єктом ловлі на ривкову анімацію воблерів мінноу є, звичайно ж, щука, в прилове всі інші. При цьому рибу можна ловити в будь-якому місці, на будь-якій глибині. Необхідно лише підібрати приманку з відповідною глибиною. Виняток - швидка течія, при ривковій проводці важко досягти необхідної анімації приманки і краще використовувати рівномірну або стоп-енд-гоу.
The second popular type of fishing for wobblers is fishing for crankbaits and sheads – these are lures that have an excellent independent game and most of them do not require additional animation. Therefore, the stiffness of the rod should be softer than that of a twitching rod, the line is also Regular Fast.
Кренки найбільш актуальні при лові головня, язя, жереха, судака на мікрорічках і прибережних мілинах з перекатами. Періодично непогано клює окунь, особливо на діп-варіанти. Сараї найкраще підходять для облову прибережних ям і свалів в пошуках судака і окуня.
Also separately can be allocated catching on surface and subsurface baits such as poppers, volkers and minnows with a depth of up to 20 cm. Such baits are great for catching pike and perch in shallow areas of rivers and overgrown lakes. The rod for such baits requires twitching, as the main animation is set jerk wiring.
Ловля риби спінінгом з берега на тролери
The most popular and the simplest type of spinning fishing, which came to us since Soviet times. In many fishing spots for a long time it is quite difficult to coax trophy pike on blades. And in remote and inaccessible corners of our homeland, where there is no fishing pressure and the fish is not so sophisticated, blades remain the main lures of the local population with few exceptions.
In central Russia, you need to be sophisticated to catch well on these baits. Large oscillating blades are mainly used to catch pike in all sorts of places, there are blades, unhooked for catching in overgrown areas. Fidget spinners are most often used for catching small pike and perch. The rod in this case is better to take a long, under 3 meters, soft Regular Fast. The main key point is the range of throwing. Blades are not stubborn lures, so the rigidity will be unnecessary.
But on all reservoirs still does not lose the relevance of catching studs on pilkers, narrow runnels with the best throwing distance. Often above the blades tie a wabik – a hook with a down. The roach is sought on sandy spits, stony rolls and even over pits, where it likes to hunt on the surface. In hardened places or in places with shallow depths, it is better to use pilkers with a wide body, which are less deepened. Since the stud is a cautious fish and large specimens rarely let the angler get close to him, the throwing and long rod is the most key point of the equipment.
Separate from the classic oscillators with twisters and pilkers go myrokolebalki and microvertushki for ultralight fishing. On such lures can catch predatory and non-predatory fish. Conditions for such fishing are quite diverse. All kinds of lakes and reservoirs, calm plain rivers and mountain streams with trout and grayling, trout paid ponds. Everywhere it will be possible to persuade fish on such tackle. For this kind of fishing the light trout sticks are most suitable, having a Regular Fast medium stiffness.
Риболовля на мікроджиг
Універсальний і захоплюючий спосіб спінінгової ловлі хижої і нехижої риби. У мікроджизі використовуються найлегші та найделікатніші снасті та блешні. Таким чином можна ловити абсолютно будь-яку рибу, в будь-якому місці і на будь-якій водоймі. Будь то мікро-річка, береговий звалище або величезна піщана мілина. Мінус один - про великий трофей не варто навіть думати. Але це компенсується великою кількістю покльовок і їх різноманітністю.
Вудилища для мікроджига мають одну принципову відмінність, яка полягає в типі наконечника, який буває двох видів:
Tubular is the classic hollow tip of a spinning rod, which is a single unit with the blank. Such a rod is much easier to catch on the current and animate the bait with jerks, as well as such a rod has a greater sensorics. The disadvantage of such a rod is the cost. Since it is difficult to achieve the necessary delicacy of ultra-light tackle and sensitive work with micro baits. Solid – it is a monolithic inlay with an admixture of fiberglass. Such a tip visually responds perfectly to any nibble, any touch of the lure with the bottom or any obstacle.
Чим приваблює спінінгова риболовля з берега
Спінінгова риболовля, по суті, - це риболовля на штучні приманки. Це саме той спосіб, коли рибалка ловить рибу, а не риба клює сама. Ловля спінінгом з берега - це активна рибалка, іноді доводиться пройти десяток кілометрів у пошуках довгоочікуваного трофея. Така рибалка ніколи не дасть занудьгувати і подарує масу яскравих емоцій.
Автор: Боб Надд досвідчений рибалка з більш ніж 20-річним стажем і переможець багатьох змагань.
Fishing from the shore with spinning is a game changer! I remember my first time casting out; it felt like I was in a whole new world. The thrill of feeling that tug on the line is unbeatable. Can’t wait to hit the rocks again!