An oscillating trolling line is the simplest yet most complex lure. There are no spinning anglers who don’t know what an oscillating troll looks like. It is also called “oscillating”, “koleblo” or “iron”.
The oscillating troll is a lure, usually in the form of a curved metal plate with a hook. Most often blades are made of metal, but there are also made of plastic. A distinctive feature of the oscillator from other tiners and baits is the movement in the water. Koleblo in the process of wiring makes oscillating movements around the axis of motion. At the pause, too, the wobbler plays in a certain way, sinking to the bottom.
In Russia, there are a huge number of anglers-adherents of fishing for fluctuating baits. Here are just a few names of popular oscillators: Lozhka, Chernospinka, Atom, Prokhorovka, Uralka, Storling, Jubilee, etc. Many foreign manufacturers of blades are also very popular and have long since gained fishing fame: Acme Kastmaster, Williams Wabler, Kuusamo Professor. Some spinning players make fluctuating blades themselves by hand.
Division of fluctuating trollers by size
An important quality that distinguishes oscillating from all other baits, it is a high range with excellent catchability. There are no fishing conditions in which this or that type of oscillating trolling would not work along with other baits. Since ancient times, fishermen all over the world used it is the oscillating trolling.
Conditionally can be divided oscillating blades into three groups by size and weight, and most importantly, the intended object of catching.
1. The most miniature blades have a mass of about 1 g and up to 10 g. Size up to 5 cm. They are intended for catching trout, chub, yazya, perch and other fish. For throwing such weights use ultralight spinning tackle. Blades have different shapes and different colors. The fisherman experientially chooses the shape of the blades, selects the appropriate wiring and color, which is suitable for certain fishing conditions. Such blades are used for fishing in small rivers and ponds.
2. Medium fluctuating blades have a mass of 10 – 30 g and size from 5 to 11 cm. The object of catching on blades of this size can be pike, perch, pike perch, pikeperch, pike perch, pike perch, pike perch, pike perch, walleye, catfish, salmon. Such blades are used on small and medium-sized rivers, ponds and lakes.
3. Oscillating blades of large size have a mass of 30 g and above and the size of 11 cm and more. Such blades are used on a large water area. First, in a large body of water, such as a reservoir, lake, sea, there are large fish. Secondly, a large lure is better visible to the predator than a small one. On a large body of water there are more chances to catch trophy fish. The object of catching on blades of this size can be pike, large pikeperch, catfish, salmon, as well as marine species of fish.
Wiring oscillating blades
1. Uniform.
All trollers are suitable for even wiring. Threw the bait, waited until it is deepened and you can evenly wind the fishing line. Many fluctuating trollers are critical to the speed of wiring. For a particular troll speed should be selected individually by experimentation. If the troll is too fast, it can go into a corkscrew and its game will not be attractive to fish. There is a widespread opinion that a good oscillating trollers do not need to interfere with the game. A good troller itself attracts the predator in the water column.
There is a type of blades that produce movements similar to the fall of a leaf from a tree or glider. There are lures that, when pausing in the conductor begins to plan in the opposite direction of the conductor or to the side. Such blades can be held in the water column for a long time, making periodic pauses in the wiring. There are lures that make turns or half-turns around its axis in one or the other direction.
The longer the troll is in the water, the more chances that it will be attacked by fish.
2. Wires when fishing on currents
On the current, as a rule, runnels are used. Their profile is similar to a willow leaf.
This shape allows you to play well on the current (they say – “keep the current”), as well as deepen to the desired depth. Used wiring, both along the current, and against. Very effective fishing for oscillating blades on the drift. As a rule, such fishing is done from a boat. Along the stream float the troller with periodic releases of the fishing line and brakes. It turns out something like a jig stepped wiring only, on the contrary, from yourself. You can also play along with the rod. First, to throw up the troll with a light jerk, and then let go of the fishing line and let the fluctuator play, floating down the stream.
On a strong current and in turbulent rivers, compact heavy blades are used. This is necessary to quickly reach the desired depth and naturally to maintain the horizon of wiring.
2. twitching
Twitching wiring is perfect for most fluke. In this type of fishing spinningist waiting for a lot of experiments in wiring. The oscillating troll is simply created for twitching wiring. The criterion for the correctness of wiring will be the bite.
In deep standing or with a non-expressed current water bodies are well suited medium and compact heavy blades, which will easily reach the necessary horizon wiring.
And in heavily overgrown grass, where over the carpet of vegetation is only 0.5 – 1 m of clear water, light and wide blades are suitable. Their distinctive feature is the ability to long fall and plan in the water column. For them when wiring is important not to get caught on the grass, and play in a small corridor between the surface of the water and the grass carpet.
3. plumb bobbing
Many wobblers are suitable for plumb bobbing, both winter and summer from the boat. Very effective jig wiring, but not in all reservoirs it can be used because of the high number of hooks on the bottom.
How to make the game oscillation more seductive?
To increase the attractiveness of the game oscillating on the back hook is planted twisters, vibro-tails or put a hook with a fly. Also, if the bling when wiring enters the corkscrew, enough on the hook to attach a down from threads or silicone bait, then the game oscillates stabilized, becomes the smoothest, less sprawling and less susceptible to entering the corkscrew. But in every rule, there are exceptions. For example, there are oscillating blades, which game is the rotation around its axis. After all, it has not yet been proven whether the game of the blades in the corkscrew is less attractive to fish. Therefore, here opens a wide field for creativity spinningist. The main criterion of a correctly selected bait and its game is the fish’s nibble.
How to avoid snags?
To reduce the probability of hooks, the trollers are equipped with a single or double hook instead of a treble hook. Also widely used trollers unhooked. In them there is a protection of the hook stinger, usually made of steel wire, but sometimes in the form of silicone bait. You can also replace the standard tee on an offset hook with a twister or vibrotail. It turns out a kind of symbiosis oscillator and silicone bait. At the same time, the sting of the hook will be hidden in the body of the silicone lure and such a troll can be safely thrown into strong places.
Color of the troller
Until the end of this aspect is not studied. It is difficult to say unequivocally how the color of the lure affects the catch of a particular fish. There are some rules developed over time, which are not a hundred percent dogma. So, in turbid water are used polished to a shine or blades acid-luminescent colors. In clear water are used close to natural or matte, discreet colors. For example, when catching chub and salmon species of fish spinning anglers attach great importance to the colors of bait, and when catching pike color is not of primary importance. The choice of color is also a field for experimentation fisherman.
作者: 鲍勃-努德 他是一位拥有 20 多年经验的钓鱼专家,曾多次在比赛中获奖。
I remember when I first tried oscillating trollers for fishing. They really helped me get more bites, especially in those tricky spots. The way they mimic movement is spot on! Can’t believe I didn’t use them sooner – total game-changer for my fishing trips!