Perhaps the greatest number of varieties of baits are invented for catching pike. The most technologically complex in the production of lures and the most realistic both in appearance and in play are, of course, wobblers. A serious manufacturer can take several months or even years to create a conceptual drawing of only one model of wobbler before its release into mass production. Accordingly, the cost of the best models of wobblers is quite high. Wobler construction today is at such a high level that their varieties are usually allocated in separate classes. This is due, first of all, their purpose under certain fishing conditions and gear used in fishing. A beginner, just starting to be interested in fishing for spinning, it is not easy to make an informed choice in such a variety of baits. First of all, you need to remember that the weight of the lure and its type should correspond to the test and structure of spinning. This is of great importance from the point of view of comfort in controlling the bait and registration of fish nibbles. The question of matching the lure and the spinning rod is a separate big topic. Here we will consider only the differences of wobblers without reference to the spinning rod.
鲦鱼 类摇摆鱼(英语为 "trifle","小鱼")。用于捕捉梭子鱼的米诺鱼如今非常流行。要求渔民积极参与动画制作,因为他们没有或很少表达自己的游戏(除个别情况外)。在不同强度的抽动杆的帮助下,摇摆鲦的纺锤形身体开始运动:从软拉到主动抽动。这种抽动技术被称为 "抽动"。根据设计特点,掌握这种或那种型号的摇摆钓可能需要时间和实践经验。因此,如果你从专业钓鱼者那里听说这种或那种小鱼很容易控制,那就值得注意了。
曲柄饵(Crank-"曲柄","发条";bait-"鱼饵")。 曲柄饵 经典造型的笛身短而圆。在水中产生强大的振动声干扰。布线技术--均匀,有不同的停顿和轻微抽动变化。在这里,您还可以参考曲柄饵的另外三个子类:
鲥鱼 (英语--"bogey")。 鲥鱼 是一种通用且易于掌握的摇摆器。与克伦克相比,它的轴线更宽,身体轮廓更修长。这种类型的摇摆器适用于均匀、抽动和有停顿的均匀接线。
脂肪 (胖")。 脂肪 由于饵体的横截面几乎呈圆形,因此具有最强的高频游戏性。这种饵料更适合钓白鱼,但梭鱼和梭子鱼也不介意尝试这种饵料。
扁平 ("flat" -per.s angl.)。扁平的身体结构与梭鱼相似,只是从侧面看更加扁平,因此得名。足够高的侧面轮廓和相当紧凑的体型吸引了大大小小的梭子鱼。与其他类型的曲柄饵相比,这种饵更内敛,振幅更低。
钓饵 – jerkbaits are usually heavy and large-sized lures designed to catch trophy pike. Jerkbaits are caught with a powerful casting rod with a multiplier reel. Wiring consists of a series of double and single jerks (“jerk” – from the English jerk). Depending on the species is also acceptable even wiring with pauses. Jerkbait – this is a generalized name, they are divided into several subclasses:
滑翔机 (“滑翔机 ” -per.s angl.). Glider – bladeless wobbler. With rhythmic strikes jerk jerk rod he makes sliding passages from side to side. His movements glider as if drawing in the water column “herringbone”, exposing to attack pike one or the other side.
钓饵 (pull - 英语中的 "拉")拉饵 - 也是无刀饵。通常拉饵不需要急速抽动鱼竿。改变的只是速度和停顿的时间。如果拉饵配有硅胶尾部,那么这种鱼饵在简单的均匀布线上就能很好地发挥作用。
钓饵 - 桨饵的形状与摇摆鲦相似。只是其大小从 150 毫米开始,重量可达 100 克或更多。这种饵料用于有停顿地抽动,甚至接线。
潜水员 (潜水员")。根据浮力类型的不同,潜水员在水中的运动模式也不同。这个游戏类似于 "锯齿 "的不同变化。潜水员要么下沉,然后在上半身拉着钓竿冲上来,要么在下半身拉着钓竿弹起并下潜。接线是基于诱饵在再次通过后恢复的停顿。
顶水 (“top water”, “surface” – per. from English). Topwaters are floating baits and, as the name implies, this class of wobblers works in the upper horizon. They are used in shallow waters and where underwater vegetation leaves literally a few centimeters of working space under the water mirror. These include such types of baits as Crawler and ProperPropbait (respectively, in English – “crawler, insect” and “propeller bait”). They produce various “gurgles” and swirls in the water with their metal blades. But the two other classes are the most common:
沃克("行者","行走")。 沃尔克 – a little bent with an upturned nose, bladeless bait galloping on the surface of the mirror of the water. Such wiring is set by the correct actions of spinningist when working with the rod. Rhythmic jerks with periodic pauses – and the wobbler makes the so-called “walking the dog”. Some models of wobblers on the pause can dive back of the body, remaining under the surface in an almost vertical position.
波普(空气"、"射手")。 波普 也是一种无叶片鱼饵,它的饵体鼻部能发出潺潺的声音。它的形状像一个凹口,在鱼竿的抽动和水的反作用力下,气泡会溃散。所有这些声音都能吸引远处的捕食者。从根本上说,浮游生物模仿在水面觅食,或急于寻找拯救鱼苗,这会引起捕食者本能的攻击欲望。
拉特林 (源自英语单词 "rattle")。Rattlin 可以捕获各种鱼类,包括梭鱼。它与其他摇摆饵的主要区别在于:连接卡环的环不在饵头,而是在饵的背面。没有叶片。摇摆饵的平衡方式是,饵体的形状、正面和位于噪音室内部的位置会在迎面而来的水流中产生振动。同时,隔音室中的小球会将强烈的噪音传播到很远的地方。也有不带噪音室的 "安静 "响尾蛇,但这只是一般系列的例外。Rattlins 的布线方式有均匀布线、波浪布线和交错布线。它们的主要优点是可以在不同地层工作,包括在很深的水底层。适合夏季和冬季在 "铅垂 "中垂钓。
- Minnow – Deps Balisong Minnow.
- Crank – Jackall Cherry.
- Shad – Megabass Flap Slap.
- Jerk – Strike Pro Bust.
- Walker – Lucky Craft Sammy.
- Popper – Megabass Pop Max.
- Swimbait – Izumi Shad Alive.
- Vib – Daiwa TD Vibration.
作为文章的结尾,我们将 "梭子鱼 "摇摆鱼的主要特征列成表格。
摇摆类 | 设计特点 | 动画 | 备注 |
鲦鱼 | 绳状、拉长的几何形状 | 抽动 | 要求垂钓者积极参与动画制作 |
鲷鱼(肥) | 圆润、短小的身体 | 不同停顿的统一变化 | 积极开展自己的游戏 |
鲥鱼/扁鱼 | 外形修长,两侧高而扁平 | 制服 牛肉干 走走停停 | 一般来说,接线方式多样,易于掌握 |
钓饵 | 这取决于手竿饵的具体类型。 | 撸管 撸管 | "在尖锐的抽动中栩栩如生。 |
沃克 | 让我想起了 "鼻子朝上 "的鱼。 | 遛狗 | 表面 |
波普 | 无刀片鱼饵,带有独特的鼻子切口。 | 撸管 | 表面 发出挤压声和潺潺声 |
钓饵 | 仿鱼复合体 | 光滑 软抽搐 走走停停 | 平静的步伐 |
拉特林 | 无刀片鱼饵,带鱼线固定装置 | 制服 波浪形 阶梯式 | 适合夏季钓鱼和冬季垂钓 |
作者: 鲍勃-努德 他是一位拥有 20 多年经验的钓鱼专家,曾多次在比赛中获奖。
Pike wobblers are awesome! I remember the first time I tried one on a lake trip. Had a blast reeling in a big pike. The action was killer, and I couldn’t get enough of it! These lures really help you up your game. Totally recommend giving them a shot!
Pike wobblers are the real deal! Last summer, I used one on a lake trip, and it was a game-changer. The pike couldn’t resist! If you’re into fishing, you’ve gotta try them. They really help you reel in those big catches. Trust me, you won’t regret it!