Spinning blades are one of the most catching, and, accordingly, and the most popular spinning lures. It is no coincidence that many anglers began to master the basics of spinning fishing with them. Fishing for spinning blades involves catching almost any predatory fish, and with a skillful approach – not only predatory. But let’s talk about everything in order. Probably there is no need to dismantle the rotating troll on the components and explain what it consists of. Much more useful will talk about what there are spinners and for what conditions of fishing.
现代市场上的钓鱼产品种类繁多。就像代表这种叶片的公司和品牌的数量一样多。问题是,每家公司都有自己的鱼饵名称,尽管在基础上,比如在花瓣形状上,它们非常相似。哪种纺锤形鱼饵最好,每个钓鱼者自己决定。记住每个纺锤形鱼饵的名字,哪怕是一个制造商的名字也是非常困难的。因此,我建议将已知的、久经考验的法国 Mepps 公司的纺锤形鱼饵作为基础,而不是全部,但大多数的叶片都是成组的。那么,首先要注意什么呢?当然是花瓣,或者说是花瓣的形状。在这种情况下,花瓣的大小也同样重要。叶片本身的重量往往不是最重要的。因此,将任何一个部件单独作为主要部件都是绝对错误的。选择巨魔时应该注意所有这些事项。此外,提前了解我们打算在什么条件下使用这种鱼饵也很有好处。
通常,在水流中钓到鱼时,花瓣形状窄而流畅的鱼饵会发挥作用。具有这种花瓣形状的鱼饵有不同的叫法,有的叫柳叶(柳叶),有的叫长(长)。在 梅普斯 trollers – Aglia Long. The stronger the current on the river, the more pronounced the petal of our trollers should be. Otherwise, the wide petal simply will not be able to start and turn on, as the current will simply press it to the axis. And vice versa, the weaker the current, the wider the petal of our trollers should be. But this is all called the average scheme of selection of rotating bait for specific fishing conditions. In fact, there are a lot of nuances, tricks or exceptions to the rules. What do I mean? Yes, if we catch on the river with the current and the bait is wired against the current, then there is simply no alternative to the shape of the petal, we use Aglia Long. Also Aglia Long can be used during drift fishing, i.e. when throwing the lure across the current. However, in such cases, you can use spinners with a wider petal. Such blades are called Comet orin some cases, when the petals are black in color – Black Fury. By increasing the width of the petal, we can during the conductor as much as possible, as far as possible, to slow down the passage of blades. And in some cases for a moment to stop the bait. It is also easier to knock down the rotator with a wide petal with the game, all these techniques provoke the fish to attack.
还有一种方法,当我们在水流中垂钓时,可以使用花瓣形状尽可能宽的纺锤形钓具。乍看起来,这并不矛盾。使用花瓣较宽的卷线器,并在 梅普斯 他们的名字 Aglia当我们向上游投掷鱼饵,并顺着水流布线时,在水流中垂钓是合适的。在这种情况下,就需要使用带有宽花瓣的旋转诱饵。或者在静止的水体中垂钓时,也需要这种叶片。其他生产商也可以提供带宽花瓣的旋转饵。但既然你和我都同意参考法国公司 梅普斯 as an example, then I will say that in the catalog there is another interesting model suitable for fishing along the stream or in standing water, it is called Bug. This is not the only spinning rod suitable for the specified fishing conditions. No less interesting in my opinion is the Lusox, it has an interchangeable and removable front weight, which allows you to use it on the current to cover the bottom layers. At the same time, removing the front load or maximally lightening it, you can use it for catching predators in shallow water in standing water bodies.
Many rotating blades are not distinguished by their long-range performance. By and large, when we catch on small or medium-sized rivers or small ponds, we do not need a long throw. But what about when we fish on “big” water? Many manufacturers have solved this problem by producing lures with a weighted core, such as Aglia Long Cast or Aglia Long Heavy. And now we can not only penetrate and thoroughly fish the distant brow or cast to a timid gutter, but also, if desired, fish the lower horizons of the reservoir.
纺纱叶片的选择不仅受花瓣形状的限制。通常,我们还要注意花瓣的尺寸。在这里,花瓣大小的选择在更大程度上应与所选奖杯的尺寸相符。为了方便渔民选择花瓣,公司 梅普斯 从 # 00 开始依次向上编号。有些型号的编号甚至高达第七位。此外,正如我们已经说过的,纺锤形鱼饵可以是前装式的,也可以是配重芯的。此外,您还可以选择带有轻质内核或不同形状和尺寸的鱼饵。花瓣本身可以直接安装在鱼饵的轴上,或者像大多数情况下那样,通过一个特殊的枷锁安装在拖拉机的轴上。
Also, the blades can be equipped either with simple trebles, or treble hooks with plumage. In some cases, for example, during trout fishing, reels can be equipped with single hooks or single hooks with plumage. And the hooks can be both with a stinger, and bezborodniki. Of course, these are not all existing variants of spinners. There are blades made in the form of unhooked with an odinarnik. Equipped with a silicone twister or so-called “tandems”, two petals on the axis of the bait. In addition, in the range of manufacturers can be seen and a huge number of spinners with petals of different colors and shades, which also expands the range of their application. And for us, anglers, respectively, expands the choice.
根据以下参数选择 "旋转器 "或旋转叶片。
1. The shape of the petal.
- 窄、流线型 - 用于在水流中垂钓。
- 宽阔的几何体--平静、无水流的水体。
如果将鱼饵抛向上游,并顺着溪流的方向布线,Mepps 的 Aglia 系列就适合使用宽花瓣。
- For long distance casts, use models with a weighted core (e.g. Aglia Long Cast).
- 鱼钩要根据垂钓条件和目标猎物来选择。例如,在杂草丛生的地方需要无钩的鱼钩。狩猎鳟鱼时多使用无须单钩。
作者: 鲍勃-努德 他是一位拥有 20 多年经验的钓鱼专家,曾多次在比赛中获奖。
Totally agree! When I started fishing, a spinning troller was a game-changer for me. It made casting so easy, and I caught my first big fish with it! It’s super beginner-friendly and just fun to use. Can’t recommend it enough! Happy fishing, everyone!
I remember my first time using a spinning troller. It was super easy to handle, and I caught a bunch of fish with it. Definitely a great choice for newbies unsure about gear. It made learning to fish so much fun! Can’t wait to hit the water again.